داستان آبیدیک

conflict resolution


1 عمومی:: حل اختلاف

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 سیاسی و روابط بین الملل:: حل منازعه، حل و فصل منازعه

He wanted to use an umbrella term for unofficial conflict resolution attempts made outside of governments (i.e. attempts outside of the traditional, 'track one' diplomacy) all over the world. She did so in the context of a symposium convened to take forward Montville's ideas for conflict resolution (Lee 1996). Approaches to international conflict resolution had to be adapted to reflect a change in the very profile of conflict and, as a cor- ollary, the broader discourse on intercessionary diplomacy took on board a new conceptualisation of 'peace' itself. His the- oretical framework has been mainstreamed since the end of the Cold War as the surge in new types of intractable, multi-dimensional conflict necessitated more nuance in conflict resolution strategies. The diagnos- tics of conflict resolution embrace a very wide range of issues that are catalysts, causes or consequences-or all of these, in concert.،Nilsson reasons that "In a conflict resolution perspective, it could be beneficial to make a clear distinction between social power and political power and argue that the immediate objective of collective violence may not necessarily be political, but social, power" (Nilsson, 1999:172). Burton's conflict resolution theory based on what he calls "provention" meaning "deep changes in the environment that initially contributed to the emergence of the conflict, in order to prevent the conflict resuscitating and stop new conflicts emerging from the unchanged circumstances" (Nilsson, 1999:231) has the potential to address the drastic changes needed. They also form the basis of a proventative approach to conflict resolution, which stresses not just the absence of direct violence but of the resolution of any underlying social-economic issues that could still exist, emphasising the importance of achieving positive peace, not just a conflict free state of negative peace. In his book "Conflict: Resolution and Provention" (Burton, 1990), Burton argues that for a conflict resolution strategy to be effective and sustainable, major changes to the environment that deprived these basic needs from being met are required. From a conflict resolution perspective, one of the core principles behind this theoretical approach is the need for an empathic understanding of the needs of all actors involved in a conflict.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

3 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: حل تعارض

conflict resolution; and communication. Expectations (premarital only) _________ _________ Communication _________ _________ Conflict Resolution _________ _________ Financial Management _________ _________ Affection & Sexuality _________ _________ Spiritual Beliefs _________ _________ Roles in Your Relationship _________ _________ Family & Friends _________ _________ many strengths, including conflict resolution, communication, and conflict resolution skills. conflict resolution

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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